- According to Google "a group or system of interconnected people or things" is called network.
- In computer world computing devices exchange data with each other using connections between nodes. These data links are established over cable media such as wires or optic cables, or wireless media such as Wi-Fi.
- In simple words, a network is a communication between two devices sharing some data through cables or wireless media.
- Humans are social animals, devices are too. Devices also need to talk to each other to operate some tasks.
- Networking of computers helps the network users to share data files. Hardware sharing: Users can share devices such as printers, scanners, CD-ROM drives, hard drives etc.
Components of a network:
- A computer network includes a lot of devices to operate depending upon the distance, mode, and other technical things you will learn in this blog. Basic components of a network are:
- Switches.
- Routers.
- Servers.
- Ethernet cables.
- Optical fiber cable.
- Modem.
- Network interface cards (NICs).

- There is not a one way a computer network operates, it depends upon the area of network. If you work in an office you probably use a Local area network ( LAN). In which a bunch of computers are attached to each other to communicate and to send data packets.
- In simple words, there usually two devices one is called host device (ex: computer) and end device(ex: printer). Host device sends a request to the end device in the form of packets, which are received by the end device and it immediately sends back a packet to tell the host it has received their request and perform the task.
So it is just an introduction to the networking don't worry if you don't understand some of the topics. We will cover it later for now just remember that a network is simply a transfer of data in the form of packets we will go deeper into it.
So it is just an introduction to the networking don't worry if you don't understand some of the topics. We will cover it later for now just remember that a network is simply a transfer of data in the form of packets we will go deeper into it.
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